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CBI receives SMT Certification from CEBEC


August 2002 saw the visit of Mr Ronan Marquestiau, MD of CEBEC Belgium to CBI, to hand over the Supervised Manufacturer Testing (SMT) certificate.

CEBEC is responsible for most of CBI’s IEC product certification. Up until the end of 2001, the testing was done in CBI’s Laboratory and witnessed by a CEBEC representative. With the introduction of the SMT process earlier this year, this has changed. Within the next 12 months CBI will be in the position to carry out certification tests without direct supervision from CEBEC.

Editorial: European Arrogance Must Stop!


When reading the April 2002 Vector Editorial headline, my first thought was that the Europeans had at last seen the light (albeit through the wrong end of a telescope) ...


European Arrogance MUST STOP

Helmuth H. Fischer, Managing Director of Circuit Breaker Industries Ltd. and chairman of the Electrical Manufacturers Association of South Africa (EMASA)

New Switch Advantage Product Range


We have announced the launch of our electrical wiring accessories product range, the ‘CBI switch advantage’. This range of plugs, sockets, switches, cover plates and other wiring products
